Borászati Szaknyelv
Sommelier English
10 alkalmas,
20 órás egyéni tanfolyam
Mit tartalmaz az 1 alkalmas vizsgatréning?
-4x45 perc online vizsgatechnikai tréning
- 40 oldalas E-book, amely csak erre a tréningre készült
- számítógépes és papíralapú vizsga különbsége
- minden egyes vizsgafeladat bemutatása
- a legjobb feldatmegoldási módszerek
- közös feladatmegoldás
- vizsgatechnikák, buktatók ismertetése
- mire figyelj, mit NE csinálj
- időgazdálkodás, megoldási sorrend
- pontozás, vizsgapartner választás
- paper based v. computer based vizsga
- speaking feladat élőben
- hasznos online linkek a vizsgához
- sok minden más :-)
From 3 May
03/05 - 01/06 Tuesday
10-week workshop on 6 different legal fields - to get the essentials of legal English. For laywers, in-house counsels, notaries, judges or other legal professionals.
Duration: 10 weeks - 10 live workshops - 3x45 minutes/occasion
Deadline for registration: 25/04
Covered topics:
The Legal Profession
Contract Law
Company Law
Employment Law
Real Property Law
79000 HUF/
220 EUR
From ......
Dates to be announced
3-day workshop on 3 Saturdays.
(..................., 9AM-2PM)
Deadline for registration: .......
Join us if you are interested in or you have to deal with the followings:
Basic EU vocabulary
The language of Directives, Regulations, Decisions
EU Courts, Jurisdiction - court vocabulary
EU Cooperation - up-to-date issues
Public Procurement, Anti-money laundering
GDPR, Data management
Corporate & Legal Compliance
Workplace Health and Safety, Labour Compliance
Bank compliance
59000 HUF/
180 EUR
From 19 January
Dates to be announced
10-week workshop to enhance your contract related vocabulary.
Duration: 10 weeks - 30 lessons - 3x45 minutes/occasion
Deadline for registration: .....
Main focus is on the following areas:
1. Contract formation
2. Types of contracts
3. Clauses of a contract
4. Rights and obligations
5. Conditions and warranties
6. Collateral and lien
7. Terminatin of contract
8. Breach of Contract
9. Remedies
10.Assignment and 3rd party rights
79000 HUF/
220 EUR